Wednesday, December 31, 2014


O my mind
Why have you drifted so far from your home
To the cold shores of abroad

What are you looking for
comforts and convenience
Sense of adventure
or some extra money

Why have you left your loved ones behind
to  pamper in so called comforts of life
Only to wander in plush  malls
staring at the goods you already have

May be it is the foreign culture that has allured you
But how are you going to grasp everything in short span of time
what has taken some centuries to come alive

You are like a plant transplanted in foreign soil
Struggling to survive and hold on its own
In the face of new weather and new soil
Making daily adjustments just to survive

Or you had become like Alexander the Great
Who had come all the way to India from his homeland
Only to discover that Bread is same everywhere on Earth
Be it India or be it Europe

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Would you be Santaclaus for somebody

O my mind 
Would  you be Santaclaus for somebody

Would you feel the pain and suffering of the fellow beings
Would you be able to do something to alleviate their suffering
Would you be able to bring them gifts without asking

Would you be able to take some time out of your celebration
And be ready to share small part of your abundance
To be Santaclaus for somebody

Would you be able to expand your universe to include everybody
And stop thinking only about yourself
To be Santaclaus for somebody

Only If  you have understood the true meaning of X'mas
Then you would nothing but be Santaclaus for somebody

Why don't you feel

O my mind
Why don't you feel
the Pain and Joy of fellow beings

Why you had become like a rock
steadfast in its hardness
From outside to its inner core

 You were not like that from beginning
Living this life had strained you to the limit
And your own follies have added to its troubles
Life had pulled you tight from all sides
Draining you of all the energies and all the life

Mind retorts:
Forget about other beings
I could no longer feel the joy and sorrow of myself
No longer remembers last time when I had laughed heartily
or cried in grief like a baby

I no longer lives but merely exists
I am insensitive at my best
Neither joy can make me happy
Nor pain can cause any major hurt
I faintly feels that something is not right
But do not know from where to begin
How to let go the hardness
And bring in the naturalness and ease

By my sheer luck I came across Master
Who Transformed my mind
from small puddle to big ocean
Soaked up my mind in Joy
Squeezed out all the miseries
Took away all the hardness
Infused it with new life

Now I feels the joy and sorrow of myself
As well as of others
I had been restored back
To my original purest form
Free from all the external impurities
which is fountain of Life
Effervescent with Joy

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

My Window

I stay in a big house
With a large Window facing the sea

I am proud of my Window
As it provides me nice view and the sunshine

One day there came the thunder storm
Loads of dark clouds came pouring the rains relentlessly
Mighty wind blew hurling lot of dust with gusto
Muddying my Window and blocking my view

Storm subsided finally
leaving my Window dirty and unclean
It blocked my view and dimmed my sunshine

My perception became hazy
Making me nervous and crazy
As I felt whole world was up against me
Leaving myself sad and lonely

By my sheer luck Master happened to pass by
He saw my plight and my Window got cleaned
I got back my view and the sunshine

I stay in same big house
With same large window facing the sea
Secure in the knowledge that Master is by my side

Friday, December 19, 2014

If you can feel affection for me

If you can feel
affection for me

I may not be the best
And far from perfect
In spite of it
If you can feel
affection for me

I may not have fulfilled all your expectations in past
May not be able to fulfill any in future
If you could only stop
expecting from me
And recognize that
to give is your nature

I may not have always expressed  affection for you
And may not do so in future
As this might be my nature
That does not mean I do not care
only if you could recognize
I could have been more needy

If you could let go
All the past baggage
And expectations from future
And recognize that love, affection and joy
is your basic nature
Then only you could feel
affection for me

And everybody

About Anand Yatra -Note to the Reader

Dear Reader,

All living being wants happiness in life and they pursue this happiness earnestly in life.So this happiness called as Anand in Sanskrit is the joy or the nectar that everybody is seeking.And Yatra stands for the journey.So I am also a fellow compatriot like you searching for this elusive joy.I welcome you to join my literary journey i.e. Anand Yatra. 

O my joy

O my joy
Where did you went into hiding
I tried to find you everywhere
But you were nowhere to be found

Unfortunately I mistook you for the pleasure
Searched you in work,wealth and position
But you were nowhere to be found
Searched you in relationships, austerity and ego
But you were nowhere to be found
More  I searched you farther you went away
Making myself more and more miserable in the way

I turned my whole world upside down in search of you
But you were nowhere to be found
Watched in desperation as time went by without any clue
As a last resort searched in myself for the elusive you
And  by Master’s grace finally I could locate you

Oh my joy you were hiding in myself 
As I discovered “I” am you

Thursday, December 18, 2014

O my small mind

O my small mind
Can you be more kind

When you would let go
Small Small things
That really does not matter

When you would stop
Brooding over small calculations
Of gain and loss
Where it really does not matter
Whether you have gained or lost

When you would stop chewing over
Small insults happened to you in past
And small desires which could never be fulfilled 

When you could see big picture
You could feel you are nobody and nothing
You are stuffed with really small things
That really does not matter

When you would connect with big mind
You would realize that you are part of big picture
Then you would let go of all small things

And Smallness itself